Monday 31 July 2017

Where I get inspiration

A lot of the time when I am working or have projects that at University, I often find that my mind goes blank and it is hard for me to gain inspiration. Even thinking of different topics to blog about is difficult. I know there are the typical social media sites to look at such as Instagram but everything that I generally see on my timeline is very similar, so it is hard to think of something new. 
Recently I have been using a lot of different sources to find inspiration such as the radio, books and social media. But here are 3 sources that I think have been the most effective for me and have helped me with my lack of inspiration and I thought that I would share them with you, just incase you struggle with this as well. 
1) Music 
This might be a strange but music often gives me a lot of inspiration. Listening to song lyrics often inspire me for blog posts or help me with ideas for projects. In addition to this, watching music videos also give me inspiration for things such as colour schemes, outfit choices and different ways to shoot. If you want to know what I am listening to right now, there is a link to my Soundcloud under the 'follow me' tab on the right hand side of my blog. Also, here is a link to my Spotify.

2) tumblr.
Now when I was younger, I remember tumblr was a huge trend and everyone had one. When I used it, I just reblogged pictures of my favourite celebrities or different food that looked nice. But now that I have rediscovered it, I think that it is amazing for gaining inspiration. tumblr is a site that you can reblog all different types of media, whether it be photographs, video, quotes etc. This means that you are never lost for inspiration. I often find myself gravitating to tumblr when I want inspiration for blog posts, and to see what is trending. You also have the option to follow different blogs, meaning you can gain inspiration from others. If you want to see what type of things I have on my tumblr blog, click the 't' under my 'follow me' tab on the right hand side of my blog!

3) Pinterest
This might be an obvious one, but I think Pinterest is one of the best ways to gain inspiration. The main reason is that it is so easy to organise because you can create different boards for different topics. For university especially it was really helpful because not only could I look at inspiration for projects, I could look at inspiration for exciting sketchbook and document layouts. If you want to check out my Pinterest, there is a link under 'follow me' tab on the right hand side of my blog!
Using these different platforms for inspiration has definitely expanded my mind creatively. I am now able to think of a lot more ideas that are original and exciting. 

Thanks for reading. 

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